Hitting the ‘reset’ button

Happy March! If you’re anything like me, you’ve gotten back into the swing of things since the holidays and are back in full force. The past two weekends I’ve participated in some pretty amazing FREE workout events, yes FREE (those are my favorite kind). I must say that it all started when I caught the SoulCycle bug a few weeks ago and this euphoric high from the class and the subsequent classes I’ve taken since have yet to subside…..and I’m not complaining about it. So, luckily for me I live in an area that most people come to vacation and there are always events occurring beachside. Free People recently hosted a yoga class on the beach in Manhattan Beach, CA. The first 25 people in line received a free tote bag filled with goodies from their sponsors including a FP movement (Free People’s athletic line) water bottle , Tone It Up water bottle, protein powder and resistant bands. As we made our way to the surf board in the sand where the instructor was standing, we made friends with the lovely yogi’s surrounding us. The zen morning began with some proverbs and releasing my inner yogi while the sun was beaming on my face and listening to the waves crashing around me. Needless to say, I was ready to start my day after stretching and posing and letting all my worries from the week prior wash back into the ocean with the tide [inner yogi speaking].

The following weekend was a little different tune. I worked out with Kevin Hart at the Rally HealthFest in Los Angeles. This event consisted of free workouts both Yoga and HIIT boot camp type workouts, brain games like puzzles and memory match as well as healthy snacks and drinks. Michael Vazquez worked us out bootcamp style which consisted of timed intense exercises using body weight with active rest in between- and if you’re not already following this guy…you should start. It was great to see people aspiring to live a healthy life, however, my favorite part of the event was that I helped build bicycles for the Boys and Girls Club of Carson.

Even though we stay pretty active and eat pretty healthy, sometimes that just doesn’t seem like enough. I feel/felt like I needed something more. So I decided to hit the RESET button….I rounded up a bunch of friends and started a round of Whole30 yesterday. The premise of Whole30 is to eliminate all toxins from your body (sugar, processed food, wheat, dairy, legumes, alcohol etc. and eat meats and veggies) for 30 days and then slowly reintroduce foods back into your diet to see how they react with your body. It is a type of Paleo lifestyle. Eliminating these foods, according to the book It Starts With Food, is known to decrease bloating, inflammation, acne, and some chronic medical issues as well as increase energy. For 30 days I will be eating clean, natural foods, NOT stepping on a scale and listening to my own body. I did a round of this about 2 years ago and never felt better. So now I’m back at it again, posting pictures, food recipes and progress. Feel free to share recipes as well. One can never get bored of delicious food…..Stay tuned.

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