Camping we will go! A first timers story

I went camping and SURVIVED! I just got back from a 2-night camping trip in Santa Barbara at Los Padres National Forest. Now, if you know me or even if you don’t, I would describe myself as fairly athletic but being outdoorsy, especially for camping, is completely out of my realm of comfort. For example, […]

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Health-Packed Popsicles

collagen protein popsicles

It’s officially the last weekend of summer 🙁 and we’re stuck in a heatwave in Southern California. Besides hibernating inside with the air conditioning or swimming at the over-crowded beach, you can stay cool with these delicious, refreshing, healthy, protein and collagen packed popsicles. I few weeks ago I posted the strawberry melon mint popsicle […]

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Tri It Out- AfterShokz

Not sure if many of you know this, but when I’m not galavanting around Los Angeles taking a variety of workout classes and attending fitness/fun events, I am a speech-language pathologist for an elementary school. I love what I do, but it also makes me hyper aware of things regarding my field of specialty in my […]

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Weekend Round Up- Event Spotlights

So spring has finally sprung and we’re about to get some more rain here in suny California, BUT I won’t let this “rain on the parade” that I had this past weekend. This weekend was an eventful, sweaty one, but that’s how I like it. I traveled all around LA (mainly due to avoiding LA […]

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Tri It Out- Flywheel

This week, I’m back in Los Angeles and at the spin studio with the Tri It Out series. Say hello to ……….Flywheel. Flywheel is a cycling studio with multiple locations across Los Angeles as well as nationally. The particular studio I attended was in Larchmont. {Side note: Larchmont is a cute little area nested in […]

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Tri It Out- CycleBar

So, this next studio in the Tri It Out series I stumbled upon when a friend asked me to take a ride with her (it is not located in Los Angeles-yet) and check out this new spin studio. I introduce to you……..CycleBar. CycleBar is a fairly new studio located in Laguna Hills with a new location popping […]

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