Tri It Out – CryoZone

Next up on the Tri It Out series is not so much a workout studio, as it is a place you can go to recover, increase blood circulation and reduce muscle inflammation and general soreness. I introduce to you,……..CryoZone. The Studio: Cryozone is a small studio located in Santa Monica just off of Wilshire Boulevard.  It […]

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Tri It Out- Elliptifit

Recently, if you’ve been following my journey on Instagram, I’ve been going to a lot of different studios and trying different workouts. Friends have been asking what workouts I’ve been up to, Instagram followers have been commenting on them so I’ve been sweating and shaking my way through Los Angeles to discover some studios and […]

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Tri It Out- A Blog Series

Recently, if you’ve been following my journey on Instagram, I’ve been going to a lot of different studios and trying different workouts. Friends have been asking what workouts I’ve been up to, Instagram followers have been commenting on them so I’ve been sweating and shaking my way through Los Angeles to discover some studios and […]

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Whole[30] lot of fun

It seems like a bunch of my friends have hopped on the Whole 30 train and I’m not complaining. I really enjoy the Whole 30. I like that it cleanses your body. You know what you are feeding and nourishing it with and how you are reacting to the nutrients that you are providing it. […]

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healthy eats

Winter is in full swing in most places across the country and nothing is better than snuggling up with a comforting warm meal (that’s healthy too!). This is definitely one of my favorites. It’s TIU (Tone It Up) approved, Whole30 approved and is filling, nutritious and delicious…….STUFFED ACORN SQUASH!!! This meal is so versatile, it can […]

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